Common Dental Issues


Periodontitis, or gum disease, is caused by the bacteria found in dental plaque. Gingivitis is the least severe form of gum disease, followed by periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. If dental plaque is left on the teeth, it becomes tartar, which can only be removed by a dentist. The build-up of tartar causes inflamed gum, leading to an infection that can damage the tissue and bone structures in your mouth.  

Our dentists at Treaty Oak Dental are devoted to diagnosing and treating your periodontal disease. It is our priority to ensure that you receive the kind and personalized care that you deserve.  

Since periodontal disease is often painless, it is important to watch for other symptoms. Some common symptoms of periodontal disease are: 

  • Bleeding gums
  • Swollen or red gums  
  • Tender or painful gums
  • Receding gums
  • Halitosis (bad breath) or bad taste in your mouth 
  • Pus surrounding your gums or teeth
  • Loose teeth
  • Space between teeth 

Periodontitis is caused by the remaining plaque and tartar on your gums that irritates can causes inflammation of your gums. Persistent inflammation of the gums causes pockets between your teeth and gums that can fill with bacteria, plaque, and tartar and become infected. The infection can eventually cause degradation of tissue and bone. While the accumulation of plaque and tartar deeply in the gums is often the cause of periodontitis, some other clauses include: 

  • Heredity: some people are predisposed to periodontal disease. 
  • Hormones: sometimes hormonal changes can make you more susceptible to periodontitis. 
  • Medications: some medications can cause a decrease in the production of saliva and can, therefore, lead to periodontitis. Some medications can also cause an overgrowth of gingiva, making your gums more susceptible to the deep build-up of plaque and tartar. 
  • Tobacco use: as tobacco use impacts your immune system, it can cause periodontal disease. Tobacco use can also promote the growth of harmful bacteria. Chewing tobacco is especially bad for periodontal disease. 
  • Diabetes: Diabetes make you more susceptible to infections, including gum infections. Periodontitis can also affect your body’s ability to use insulin. 
  • Nutrition: a balanced diet that is sufficient in vitamin C and calcium is vital to your oral health. Calcium supports healthy bones, and vitamin C promotes healthy connective tissue; if your diet is lacking these key components, you may be more susceptible to periodontitis.  

Our dentists at Treaty Oak Dental are committed to putting your oral health first. During your initial visit, your periodontist will review your medical history and the medications you are taking to ensure that the underlying cause of your periodontitis is considered during the development of your personalized treatment plan. One of our dentists at Treaty Oak Dental will examine your gums to determine whether or not the removal of plaque and tartar will be sufficient to treat your periodontitis. If scaling, the removal of the plaque and tartar, is not sufficient, your dentist may refer you to a periodontist who may perform a root planting treatment, during which the infected root surface is cleaned. Another possible treatment is a root surface debridement treatment, during which your periodontist will remove the damaged tissue.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t wait to save your teeth. Call our office today to schedule your appointment. 

2905 San Gabriel Street, Suite 202 Austin, TX 78705
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday7:30 am – 3:30 pm